Jan 07 2025 37 mins 2
Welcome to another episode of The Savvy Dentist Podcast Summer Series.
We're going back into the archives, rummaging through the vault, finding the best bits of the best episodes and we're taking those vignettes and those snippets and we're combining them together to form one single episode around a particular theme or topic.
And the topic for this episode is creating great business systems.
Every business on the planet needs great systems, and dental practices are no exception. But what does great systems mean? Well, most people have their systems documented sitting up in a folder somewhere on a bookshelf gathering dust and no one ever follows them.
So for us, great systemisation involves not just documenting the systems, but having those systems followed by all your team. And when you get this right, what's going to happen is your patients are going to have the most amazing experience within your practice. They're going to have the best possible clinical care, they're going to receive the best possible customer service, and they're going to be raving fans about your practice.
On top of this, when you have new team members, you're going to onboard them faster.
In this episode of The Savvy Dentist Podcast you're going to hear from Verne Harnish, the author of scaling up. You're going to hear from Dr. Glenn Richards, who is the founder of greencross vets. One of the sharks on shark tank. You're going to hear from Dave Jennings who wrote the book systemology.
Your life is going to get simpler, easier, and better because you have great systems in your practice.
[03:03] - How To Scale Up Successfully with Verne Harnish (episode #47)
[08:03] - Simplify and Scale Your Practice – Marissa Roberts (episode #392)
[14:38] - Scaling Up with Greencross Vets Founder Dr Glen Richards (episode #385)
[20:12] - How to Scale your Practice Predictably – Peter Mohr (episode #376)
[28:39] - Systems that Actually Work – David Jenyns (episode #261)