Feb 29 2024 52 mins 2
In this episode of the ShootHub Podcast Gemma, George and Digby are joined at the microphones by Dylan Williams.
Dylan has spent his career in the shooting industry, founding the Royal Berkshire shooting school and now is heavily involved within a number of different shooting businesses and organisations. He was instrumental in the formation of British Game Assurance in 2017 and continues to have a major role to play in Eat Wild and the marketing of game to the wider public.
Dylan shares some some of the latest triumphs of Eat Wild and underlines the importance of assurance to the future of shooting in the UK. He also discusses the #BackBritishGame campaign and how shoots of all sizes can support the vital work that Eat Wild carries out.
Louisa Clutterbuck, CEO of Eat Wild, told us:
None of this Eat Wild's would have been possible without the donations we have received from guns and shoots and I want to express our thanks to every person who shoots, be it 10 birds or 200 in a season. Your support is vital when it comes to Backing British Game as it will ensure that Eat Wild can continue to promote game as a high welfare, sustainable and free-range meat to new audiences and secure new markets in order to protect the future of shooting
To learn more about Eat Wild or #BackBritishGame, follow the links below:
Eat Wild - https://www.eatwild.co/
Back British Game - https://backbritishgame.co.uk/