Feb 20 2025 5 mins 4
Are you feeling whipsawed or demoralized by the U.S. headlines lately? You’re not the only one 😉.
And yet after you take a moment to confirm your values, you'll realize that now is exactly the time to flex your power:
Why building our businesses is precisely what we need to grow our wealth, impact and power. Yes, power.
How to think about your economic and leadership power in this current environment.
Why we need to do more than just resist cruelty, hatred and all the “isms”.
When it’s time to step into your role as a leader—beyond your business.
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Rochelle Moulton
00:00 - 00:46
Many of you listening do have privilege. We have businesses, we have economic and leadership power, and we need to use them. This, my friend, is time to step up, not to conduct business as usual. Hello, hello. Welcome to The Soloist Life Podcast, where we're all about turning your expertise into wealth, impact, and power. I'm Rochelle Moulton, and I'm ready to lean into the power word. How about you? So this is the first episode I've recorded in 2025. I waited until now, I'm recording this in mid-February, because honestly, I just couldn't decide what to talk to you about.
Rochelle Moulton
00:47 - 01:50
Hearing, seeing, and feeling the cruelty and the hatred toward women, the LGBTQ community, the BIPOC community, left me numb. And then I got angry, really angry. What could I do? How can I use my unique talents to help build the world I want to live in? Well, I figured it out, and I got the fire back in my belly by asking myself a very simple question. How can we get more money and power into the hands of women and those disadvantaged by the system we live in? How? We build businesses, businesses that use our genius and produce copious flows of money, businesses that we control so we can work the way we want, when we want, where we want, so that we have multiple streams of wealth to invest in our families, our communities, and the causes we care about.
Rochelle Moulton
01:51 - 02:41
to not only resist cruelty, hatred, and all the isms, but to actively find our people, to float new ideas and collaborate with the like-minded for change. At this moment, many of you are feeling stunned, disenfranchised, fearful, and confused. So what's next? Do you speak out and risk being ridiculed, targeted, or worse? Or do you put your head down, staying silent and complicit? Now, not everyone has the privilege to speak out. And if that's you, resist subversively so you're safe. But many of you listening do have privilege. We have businesses, we have economic and leadership power, and we need to use them.
Rochelle Moulton
02:41 - 03:24
This, my friend, is time to step up, not to conduct business as usual. Now, I'm not talking about politics and political theory here. You'll get that elsewhere. What this space is for is figuring out how to juice your soloist business so you can maximize your wealth, your impact, and, yes, power to make your corner of the world into the place you want you and your people to thrive. Now, how you define that is up to you. Just know that until you step into your business fully as the leader, as well as a leader for your people, you're not using your full potential to be a powerful force.
Rochelle Moulton
03:25 - 04:13
Now, I've needed some time to absorb the speed with which this new vision of America is being implemented. And you might too, and that's okay. But ultimately, We can't stand by and be silent. So while I don't talk politics here, I will speak to this being a very special time in history, not unlike Europe in the 1930s. It's a time when leaders are needed desperately. It's a time when making an extra $5,000, $10,000, $100,000, or even more in your business can accelerate the change you want to make in the world. That's leadership. Because make no mistake, money, wealth gives you choices, which means it gives you power.
Rochelle Moulton
04:14 - 05:01
The power to work, to live, and to love the way you want. The power to direct resources to the people and causes that matter to you. Now is the time to fully stand in your genius and do the work to push your vision, your revolution forward. It's the time to flex your power. People are depending on you to step up. And I intend to do the same. Going forward, I'll keep introducing you to more guests who are kicking butt and taking names alongside solo episodes where I'll do a deeper dive on optimizing your soloist business and your life as a leader to build wealth, impact, and power.
Rochelle Moulton
05:01 - 05:20
We need to take back our power. For now, be subversive where that makes sense and stand tall and proud and loud wherever you can, because that's what it's going to take. And I know we can do it. I'll see you next time on The Soloist Life. Bye-bye.