January 25th, 2025 - Is it spiritually dangerous to gather with relatives who are Freemasons? Can demons perform healing miracles? Can necromancy improve therapy? Can you send your guardian angel to Mass for you? Will a beloved horse be in Heaven? What does a soul actually do in Heaven? Today, Debbie and Adam are answering the top questions we’ve received via email.
Conversion of St. Paul - https://missions.ewtn.com/seasonsandfeastdays/conversionofstpaul/
Do Pets Go to Heaven? - https://ondemand.ewtn.com/Home/Play/en/LDI21103
Pope Francis on Freemasonry - https://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_ddf_doc_20231113_richiesta-cortes-massoneria_en.pdf
EWTN Religious Catalog - www.ewtnrc.com