Jan 25 2024 34 mins 6
The StarWell Foundation is a production of OMV Podcast
Mary takes her chances convincing a super strong villain to say something inspirational while a gang of bad guys treat her to some tale tales.
Inspired by “The Villain Wrangler” community thread on tumblr
Featuring voice actors
Kae Giroux
Brett Kelley
Bob Savage
Sarah Gherri
KT Baldassaro
Michelle Arslan
Mike Davis
Stevie Norman
Nichele Herrick
Steph MacGillivary
Kristen Chesler
Jennifer Rawlings
Jeremy Ruiter
Danielle Squiers
music by
Kevin Mason
Jett Andrade
Mike Forgette
Eyegore @yevgeny666
Christina Pepper
Antonio R @antoniobustabad
Incompetech.com & Kevin MacLeod
and sound effects from
BBC Sound Effects
Mac Owens from Cleanwavs.com
Take a Chance Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
My special thanks for this episode went out to Colin and Jason for inspiring me to make StarWell happen. You can listen to those exact moments
Thanks for listening!
You can reach me here Alex(at)omvpodcast.com