419: Jacob's Pickle (Robbie Goodwin, Jacob Williams & Gina Hyena)

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Jan 24 2025 69 mins   53

Comedians Jacob Williams and Gina Hyena join Shannon and special guest co-host Robbie Goodwin! They discuss how much their lives have changed since Jacob and Robbie were last on in 2019 and more before diving into the stories including the time Gina went on a first date that tried to get her to visit him in the hospital, Jacob's date playing NYT games while hooking up, Robbie and Jacob having run-ins with muggers in New York, Gina getting hit by a car, Jacob nearly giving his dad a heart attack with a prank, Gina's childhood in a haunted house and so much more!

Air Date: 1/21/25

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Robbie Goodwin

-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/robbiegoodwin

-YouTube: @robbiegoodwin

Jacob Williams

-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mrjacobwilliams

-YouTube: @DrGigglesComedy

Gina Hyena

-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eggsnhotsauce

-YouTube: @ginahyena

Shannon Lee

-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shannonlee6982/

Mike Figs

-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/comicmikefigs/

YouTube: @comicmikefigs

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