On this week's episode, Bishop Burbidge:
Offers final encouragement on prayer and forming our consciences in advance of Election Day; access voter resources here
Highlights one of the special ways the diocese is celebrating National Vocation Awareness Week; watch now: “A Day in the Life of Catholic Priest”
Shares how the Gospel of Life is and can be embraced through adoption, especially adopting from foster care; learn more about Catholic Charities’ Waiting Child program
Recounts the recent Masses celebrating the Solemnity of All Saints and the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed; watch the homilies from November 1 and November 2
Shares his upcoming travels to the Diocese of Raleigh to mark its 100th anniversary, and to Baltimore to confer with his brother bishops from across the United States at their annual fall meeting
He also answers the following question from the faithful:
“It’s football season and I enjoy it when the networks show pre-game locker room shots of the players preparing for the game. You get to see such intensity and focus! What is it like to be a priest or bishop before the liturgy? Do you ever get anxious or nervous? Celebrating Masses every day, how do you get fired up?”