Windhorse Publications recently acquired the rights to a fantastic memoir, first published earlier in 2022. In this episode of the podcast, Dhammamegha speaks with its author, Satyadasa.
Perhaps we all have a fantasy about what it means to be a Buddhist; what a life in the Dharma looks like. Satyadasa, born with one hand, recounts meeting the Dharma in London as a young man, and the joy, questions, friendships and choices that followed. It’s unusual to have such a fresh, brilliantly-written, touching and vivid account of what being a Buddhist actually looks like in practice.
Perhaps we all have a fantasy about what it means to be a Buddhist; what a life in the Dharma looks like. Satyadasa, born with one hand, recounts meeting the Dharma in London as a young man, and the joy, questions, friendships and choices that followed. It’s unusual to have such a fresh, brilliantly-written, touching and vivid account of what being a Buddhist actually looks like in practice.
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