Dec 04 2024 53 mins 6
Yes we did simply mash up the respective titles of BZ and Jonathan's Advent books, lol! Some things just go together, like Batman and Robin, peanut butter and jelly, Laurel and Hardy--as much as they both love Advent, how could it be too soon for another collab?! In a conversation that will absolutely get you in the Advent spirit, Brian and Jonathan explore Advent themes of hope, waiting, and the significance of the church calendar. They talk about how the harsh realities of the little town of Bethlehem shape the contours of the story, then and now, and why we need more Mary in our lives. They emphasize the non-prescriptive nature of Advent as a time to wait for God to act, not for us to "act right"/do more. They also talk about the tension between longing as Advent is a time to fully acknowledge the ways the world is not yet made right, and yet also how it is a time to make space for joy. Oh and course, they also talk about Nick Cave and Bob Dylan.
Both Brian's book The Anticipated Christ and Jonathan's The Book of Waiting, are available now!