Feb 15 2025 62 mins 1
Episode Summary
Deep in the heart of Cameroon, God is doing the impossible. Join Mark Gilmore as he interviews Pastor Godlove, a missionary church planter reaching some of the most unreached people groups—including the Pygmies and Muslims—with the gospel. Hear incredible stories of chiefs begging for the truth, entire villages turning to Christ, and the miraculous ways God is proving His power in the midst of spiritual warfare. This is frontline missions at its most raw and real!
Topics Discussed
- The missionary trek that launched a church-planting movement in Cameroon
- How a chief’s plea for truth led to a new church in an unreached village
- The call of God that led Pastor Godlove from medicine to missions
- The challenges of church planting in deep jungle regions
- How the Pygmies and Muslims are responding to the gospel
- Spiritual warfare in missions—demonic oppression, persecution, and tribal conflicts
- How a Muslim man on his deathbed found healing and salvation
- A woman miraculously raised from her sickbed after prayer
- The power of indigenous believers taking ownership of church planting
- How you can pray and support gospel advance in Cameroon
Key Takeaways
- God is still doing miracles. From healings to gospel breakthroughs, His power is evident.
- The harvest is plentiful, but laborers are few. Unreached villages are desperate for the gospel.
- Spiritual opposition is real. Demonic oppression, persecution, and tribal wars hinder the work.
- Discipleship and church planting matter. Evangelism isn’t enough—believers must be trained and equipped.
- You can be part of the mission. Through prayer, giving, and going, you can help reach the unreached.
If you have your own unique story of gospel advance or if you sense God leading you toward a particular people group, we’d love to hear about it. Even if it’s just a sentence or two, share what God is doing in an email to [email protected].
GoMission, hosted by Mark Gillmore, is a monthly, missions-focused program designed to expose young people to the people, stories, and opportunities happening across the globe in the world’s harvest fields.
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