Dec 04 2024 44 mins 67
DWM presents Think Fast, season 2, episode 7
"Supposed to Be"
Written by Chris Burnside
Directed by Darlene Spencer
Theme, Score, and Sound Mixing by Katharine Seaton
Distributed by Realm
Finley and Nell work together to find a way to help Raine and outsmart Damian. Damian finds that Raine is a lot more to handle than he expected. The VIPs gather to witness Damian's demonstration.
This is the season finale of Think Fast. The story will continue in The Hidden People: Ragnarok.
Finley: Abbey Grace
Nell: Lily Nevers
Raine: Meghan Rupper
Damian: Jacob Anderson
Renart: Drew Bearded
Monroe: Ben Essex
Congressman: Aaron Eechaute-Lopez
General: Mike Shea
Secretary: Meghan McConnell
Dad: Josh McCabe
Dialogue Editing: McKinney Botts
Sound Design: Colette Jonas
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Think Fast is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real persons, places, and/or events is purely coincidental.
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