Oct 29 2024 57 mins 27
About this episode:
For millennia humans have reflected on historical events. Quite often, one poses the timeless question: what if - had a life been spared or taken, had a candidate won rather than lost and, as it relates to this episode, what if a battle or war ended differently? So, with a degree of trepidation, we address that last question and will do so through the works of a Pulitzer Prize-winning author and two university professors. With writing fueled by incredible imagination and plots, characters and consequences drawn from factual trends and themes, we offer three stories from the genre of alternative and counterfactual history. Three stories that address “what if” the South had won the American Civil War.
For Further Reading:
If The South Had Won The Civil War by MacKinlay Kantor
The Guns of the South by Harry Turtledove
The Confederate States of America: What Might Have Been by Roger L. Ransom
Gettysburg: A Novel of the Civil War by William Forstchen and Newt Gingrich
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Thank you to our sponsor Bob Graesser, Raleigh Civil War Round Table's editor of The Knapsack newsletter and the Round Table's webmaster at http://www.raleighcwrt.org
Producer: Dan Irving