1 Peter
The book of 1 Peter, written by the Apostle Peter, addresses Christians facing persecution and suffering. Peter encourages the early believers to remain steadfast in their faith, emphasising the hope and inheritance they have in Christ. He urges them to live holy lives, submit to authorities, and endure suffering with patience, following the example of Christ. The letter also highlights the importance of love, humility, and serving one another within the Christian community.
2 Peter
In 2 Peter, the Apostle warns against false teachers and their destructive heresies. He emphasises the importance of growing in knowledge and godliness, again reminding these new believers of the certainty of Christ's return and the final judgment. Peter encourages Christians to remain diligent in their faith, to be wary of false teachings, and to live lives that reflect their calling. The letter concludes with a call to grow in grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.