Apr 24 2022 28 mins 3
Lisa is joined by scientist, fitness champion, and founder of Gauge Girl Training Christine Hronec who shares a customizable plan to lose weight and shed fat by eating according to your macro type, a profile based on your body type and personal carb tolerance. Unlock your macro type and end the battle with the scale—for good. In this interview she talks about her NYT Best Selling Book, Unlock Your Macro Type: • Identify Your True Body Type • Understand Your Carb Tolerance • Accelerate Fat Loss
BOOK DESCRIPTION: Unlock Your Macro Type: • Identify Your True Body Type • Understand Your Carb Tolerance • Accelerate Fat Loss
One-size-fits-all diets don’t work, and neither does counting calories alone. Biochemical Engineer and fitness expert Christine Hronec has discovered that the key to fat loss and feeling your best is eating the optimum ratio of macronutrients—protein, carbohydrates, and fat—for your unique body.
Through years of coaching and research, Hronec has pinpointed five macro types, a bio-individual nutritional blueprint based on your body type and carb tolerance. Rooted in science and backed by real-world results, Unlock Your Macro Type reveals:
- The secret code of fat, and why you need to eat fat to burn fat
- Why drastic carb-cutting can backfire for many macro types
- The essential macronutrient most people don’t get enough of each day
- The single biggest factor that dictates how to eat for your macro type
Complete with quizzes and tailor-made menus, recipes, and workouts, Hronec’s personalized plan is designed to get you the best results based on your body, your metabolism, and your goals.