Jun 12 2024 42 mins 3
Loredana Jurj is a managing partner at a B2B storytelling company, which focuses on enhancing sales through storytelling. With a background in sociology and a master’s degree in social deviance, she leverages her understanding of group behaviors to improve corporate interactions. Loredana’s experience in sales operations exposed her to the challenges sales organisations face and the misconceptions about them. Recognising the power of storytelling in fostering understanding and connection, her company, XbyDesign, developed a business storytelling method to help sales teams better engage with customers, aiming to become their allies.
Storytelling in B2B Sales
B2B storytelling helps sales be invited into the customer story and influence the narrative. It’s all about putting the customer at the centre, as the hero, and present, the sales, as the ally, a supporting character.
MyStorySell methodology
MyStorySell is a methodology for Storytelling in B2B Sales. It has two parts with five steps or dimensions each.
* 5 steps to create a clear story:
* Your customer has an AMBITION
* but they have a PROBLEM
* you propose a SOLUTION and
* offer a PLAN
* to help them achieve their GOALs
* 5 dimensions to have a memorable pitch.In order to have a memorable pitch you need to:
* Grab their attention, so they will listen to you.
* Be different, so they will remember you.
* Show, don’t tell, so they will believe you.
* Win their trust, so they will see you as an ally.
* Get to the point, so they will understand you.
Related: Demos Are Like Rock Concerts
Favorite quotation
“Every artist has thousands of bad drawings in them, and the only way to get rid of them is to draw them out.” — Chuck Jones,
Recommended books
Quiet: the power of introverts in a world that can’t stop talking by Susan Cain. The Culture Map by Erin Meyer
Routine to Shine
Stand as a superhero (the “power pose”).
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