Oct 30 2019 59 mins 5
Rowan and Anastasia meet the crew from Alphabet Soup, who share how much they enjoy the diversity and intergenerational experience you can have if you come to their Heidelberg Cafe on the first Saturday of every month.
Anastasia interviews the great minds behind Escape Velocity‘s newest venture, Walk the City. They share the impact on those lucky enough to participate in this immersive experience that explores the lived experience of young trans and gender diverse people.
And the organisers of the Tilde Film Festival get us excited about the upcoming festival. Check out their website for the full program.
Don’t forget the TGD Community Night at the Reservoir Leisure Centre on 9 November. It’s so wonderful to see so many amazing community building events taking place.
And we ask that you consider supporting our JOY Nation campaign.
Remember we can be reached at:
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*** We know that sometimes it can be hard to know who to talk to if you are experiencing a mental health crisis. If you do not have family and friends living nearby or a strong local support network it can be hard to get through difficult times on your own. Whether you are in a crisis or you just feel down and need to talk to someone, it is important to know that help is available at all hours of the day and night.
There are many free mental health hotlines and mental health online support services across Victoria, which provide crisis support, information, resources, counseling, and therapy to people of all ages.
Where to get help:
- Your doctor
- Lifeline, call: 13 11 14
- Switchboard: 1800 184 527
- Kids Helpline, call: 1800 55 1800
- National Domestic Violence Hotline – Call: 1800 200 526
- Beyondblue – Call: 1300 22 4636
- SuicideLine – Call: 1300 651 251
This episode was originally broadcast on 24 October 2019.
The post The one about great organised events appeared first on Trans P.O.V. (Transgender Point of View).