From Pose to Shape

Oct 04 2017 39 mins   1
This week on the show we feature Hawaiian photographer Kyle Nishioka. A relative newcomer to glamour photography, Kyle has leveraged his technical excellence to create a bounty of superb images. Not limited to glamour, within moments of visiting his website, you will find a variety of well-executed genres.

Posing to enhance shape

In the world glamour, photographers fight a constant battle to make the shapely seem thin and the thin seem curvaceous. In this episode, we

tackle bringing the hourglass shape to the slender model. Kyle does an excellent job of demonstrating a strategy of raising the model's arms to narrow the waist. This posing strategy also gives the model stronger shoulders and a look of confidence. We hope you experiment with this pose in your next shoot and send us your results. But be warned, this pose can exaggerate the model's armpit if not managed carefully.


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Below is the unedited (NSFW) version of the interview.






Kyle on Model Mayhem and his website

Brian Fischer on Model Mayhem

Roxanne Cali on Model Mayhem

Have an idea for an episode?

Do you know a photographer you think might make a good guest on our show? Maybe it's yourself?! Just use the form below to contact us. You, (or your suggestion) might just make it onto TWiP GLAM!

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