Apr 27 2023 37 mins 1
In our latest Village In The City podcast recording Mark McKergow will be talking to Bella Kerr from the Generations Working Together. Bella is Intergenerational Development Officer She is a very enthusiastic proponent not only of getting generations working together but of making that work high-quality and mutually useful. We also hear from Bella's colleagues Diana Knox and Loreen Pardoe.
This event took place during Global Intergenerational Week (24-30 April 2023) so it's a great chance to be tuning in to the possibilities offered by this kind of programme.
Links discussed during the podcast:
Generations Working Together https://generationsworkingtogether.org
Bookbug https://www.scottishbooktrust.com/bookbug
Global Intergenerational Week https://generationsworkingtogether.org/global-intergenerational-week
Short online training https://generationsworkingtogether.org/training/online-training
Play And Storytelling https://www.playscotland.org/resources/play-and-storytelling-connecting-generations-the-intergenerational-way/
Summer Of Play https://www.summerofplay.co.uk/
Bella Kerr is Intergenerational Development Officer with Generations Working Together (GWT). She works with organisations across GWT Scottish Networks as well as globally connecting and facilitating intergenerational work to connect people, locally, nationally and globally. The work connects people from different generations, assisting and supporting them to form intentional intergenerational relationships. The work also looks at Ageism and Stereotypes (between young and older people), Research, keeping up to date with new ideas and Intergenerational Housing Places and Spaces, looking at and exploring the use of community space and how we can connect across generations to interact in our local communities. GWT is FREE to join for anyone living in Scotland and membership offers information and resources and training on intergenerational work and the difference that it can make when bringing young and older people together.
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