Ursula and Tusk in Katowice

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May 07 2024 27 mins   3

How Ursula von der Leyen's and Donald Tusk's "Plan for Europe" speeches addressed the security threats from Russia and other autocratic powers, but failed to address the issue of democratic security and enlargement.

By Wojciech Przybylski and Galan Dall

Recommended reads:

Wojciech Przybylski on Ursula von der Leyen speech in Poland: https://visegradinsight.eu/ursula-mobilised-europe-against-the-virus-now-tasked-against-the-evil-quick-take/

Matej Šimalčik on Xi Jinping's European visit: https://visegradinsight.eu/xi-jinping-in-europe-what-makes-his-trip-so-special/

CEE democratic security dynamics this week: https://visegradinsight.eu/tusk-and-ursula-plans-for-europe-against-russian-subversion/