Feb 02 2025 41 mins 1
Section 6 - Historical Background: In the winter of 1828-1829, Joseph Smith faced deep anxiety as he struggled to translate the golden plates without a scribe. With Martin Harris back in Palmyra and his wife Emma busy with household chores, Joseph awaited divine intervention. The Lord answered his prayers with the arrival of Oliver Cowdery, a young schoolteacher boarding in the Smith's home in Palmyra. After his own personal confirmation of the Lord's work, Oliver joined Joseph in Harmony Pennsylvania and began to assist as scribe. Oliver asked Joseph for a personal revelation from the Lord and received it as recorded in Section 6.
Recap: Oliver receives counsel from the Lord to be diligent, to ask God for his needs and to seek wisdom, not riches. Oliver has a gift as a communicator, like Aaron’s gift, and is to preach repentance. The Lord reminds Oliver of his personal conversion experience, which no one else knew up to this time, and to always look unto Christ.
Section 7 - Historical Background: As Joseph was translating 1 Nephi 14, he came to a vision of the latter days by Nephi but was commanded not to record it all because the Lord will command the Apostle John to record the remainder of this vision. Joseph and Oliver discussed John and his whereabouts, disagreeing on whether John tarried in the flesh or had died. Joseph petitioned the Lord on the matter and received section 7.
- Recap: The Lord reveals the conversation He will have in mortality with Apostles Peter and John, granting unto them their desires. Peter will desire to come speedily to Christ, whereas John will desire to tarry in the flesh until Christ’s second coming.
Section 8 – Historical Background: As Joseph’s physical and emotional fatigue from translation became apparent, Oliver asked if he could help by doing some of the translation. After inquiring of the Lord, the answer came in section 8.
- Recap: God explains how prayers are answered. Oliver has the gift of revelation along with the gift of Aaron (communicator). God will grant other gifts of the Spirit if asked for in faith, for without faith nothing can be done.
Section 9 – Historical Background: As Oliver attempts to translate, he finds that he cannot and becomes frustrated. The Lord provides comforting admonishment in section 9.
- Recap: Oliver is counselled to continue as a scribe for Joseph rather than attempt to translate for now; to be patient and not murmur, but be expedient in the work of translation. There are other records Oliver will be asked to translate [but due to the Church coming under condemnation -see section 84:54-58- this opportunity to translate never emerged].