Dec 16 2024 53 mins 1
"Send us a message! (questions, feedback, etc.)"
The best therapists are the ones who have done their own work. That's what I love about my guest Will Mooney. Will has his own story of unwanted sexual behavior, and also of serving in pastoral ministry. After finding his own help and recovery, his life went in a new direction, away from working in the church and into becoming a therapist. Not only A therapist, Will happens to be MY therapist. 😊
In our conversation (which is NOT bound by confidentiality), we discuss how Will made the decision to pivot to counseling, our own relationship as therapist and client, and about the tendency many helpers have to "fix" clients instead of support them.
Will is deeply trained in the Neuro-Affective Relational Model (NARM), which employs curiosity, support, and the encouragement of self-agency on the part of the client. He is the founder and director of Made and Matter Counseling, and lives in the Nashville TN area with his wife and kids.
#willmooney #madeandmattercounseling #therapy #counseling #narm #narmtraining #gospel #recovery #sexaddiction #pornaddiction #sexualaddiction #awaken #awakenrecovery #awakenpodcast #whatwereallywant #wwrw #grace #connection #conversation
Made and Matter Counseling (Will's counseling practice)
NARM Training Institute (counseling modality we discussed, including how to find a NARM practitioner in your area or virtually)
Questions For Jesus (book Will referenced)
Awaken website
Roots Retreat Men's Intensive
Roots Retreat Women's Workshop
Awaken Men & Women's support meeting info (including virtual)