Apr 21 2021 58 mins 21
This episode of Women In-Depth features Arianna Smith, EMDR Clinician and Licensed Professional Counselor. She helps Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs) and LGBTQ individuals process childhood trauma, recover from abusive relationships, and release the cycle of constant people pleasing. Based out of Denver, Colorado, Arianna is a psychotherapist by day and copywriter by night and she supports fellow healers to craft the right words that showcase their passion, personality and expertise so they can have a practice filled with dream clients.
Topics discussed in this episode:
- Differentiating between an abusive and toxic relationship (5:13)
- Common experiences for those in abusive or toxic relationships (16:08)
- How prior trauma can make someone more vulnerable to an abusive or toxic relationship (25:54)
- “Trauma glasses” and their impact on those who have gotten out of a abusive or toxic relationship (27:38)
- The importance of compassion and healing for those who grew up with abuse or trauma (29:35)
- The intersection between HSPs and abusive or toxic relationships (32:47)
- DOES:: Depth of processing, Overstimulation or Overwhelm, Emotional reactivity or Empathy, Sensing of Subtleties (34:04)
- The hope and recovery on the other side of an abusive or toxic relationship (44:14)
- The importance of safety, support, and education for those in abusive or toxic relationships (46:30)
Arianna’s website: https://quietmooncounseling.com/
National Hotline for Domestic Violence
telephone: 1.800.799.7233
website: https://www.thehotline.org/
The Relationship Bill of Rights: https://www.morethantwo.com/relationshipbillofrights.html