Dec 03 2024 12 mins 25
Sometimes the noises, lights and chaos of everyday life can feel overwhelming, leaving you feeling drained and on edge. For Sam and Katie, awareness is a reoccurring theme - one that's especially important when it comes to understand and managing sensory overwhelm.
Off the back of their conversation with Dr Khurram Sadiq, Sam and Katie chat about everything they've learnt about recognising sensory overload. They share practical advice, like how body checking can help and explore why it's important to give yourself permission to okay to step away from a situation when it's getting too much.
That's a wrap on Series 3 of You're Wrong About ADHD. We'll be back in the new year with Series 4 with more brilliant guests and lots more fascinating topics to explore. Make sure you're following You're Wrong About ADHD so you'll be the first to know when the new series comes out!
You can get in touch with the team by sending your questions and stories to [email protected]
The ADHD Foundation and ADHD UK also have valuable resources, support and information on their websites. For more details, visit: