162 I Building Body Confidence and Self-Image: A Personal Journey

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Oct 30 2023 24 mins  

In this episode, I'll share some personal stories and insights from my own journey towards body confidence.

We'll also explore three game-changing strategies that have transformed the way I view and feel about my body.

Personal Stories: The Rocky Start

  • My journey towards body confidence began with a challenging period in my life.
  • Becoming a mother at a young age and being in an unhealthy relationship triggered negative thoughts about my body.
  • These experiences led to disordered eating habits and an unhealthy obsession with exercise.

Seeking Help and Healing

  • Recognizing the need for help was a turning point in my journey.
  • I sought therapy and guidance from coaches to address my mindset and body image.
  • It's crucial to understand that healing is a gradual process that takes time and effort.

Strategy 1: Styling the Body

  • One of the pivotal strategies that improved my body confidence was finding inspiration from mid-sized fashion influencers on Instagram.
  • These individuals had bodies more similar to mine and taught me how to style myself in ways that made me feel comfortable and confident.

Strategy 2: Embracing Comfort

  • Comfort plays a vital role in feeling confident in your body.
  • I pay close attention to how my body feels during different hormonal phases and choose clothing that aligns with my comfort.
  • Establishing a morning routine, even a simple one like makeup application, can significantly impact self-esteem.

Strategy 3: Strength Training

  • Strength training isn't just about physical strength; it's about mental and emotional strength too.
  • Challenging my body with weightlifting and resistance exercises has improved my physical well-being and bolstered my self-confidence.
  • If you're new to strength training, don't worry; you can start with shorter workouts and gradually progress.

The Power of Feeling Good

  • Feeling good in your body can lead to positive changes in your health behaviors.
  • It's important to understand that you don't have to love your body all the time; body neutrality is a valid and empowering state.
  • Focus on feeling good, as it can act as a catalyst for change.

Body Autonomy and Final Thoughts

  • Your body, your choices – it's crucial to have the autonomy to make decisions about your body based on your desires and goals.
  • There's no one-size-fits-all approach to body confidence, and open and honest conversations about it are essential.
  • Your journey is unique and beautiful in its own way.

Mentioned in the show: Episode 156, Training Strong Women

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