210.From Struggle to Connection: How Two-Way Prayer Saved Our Marriage

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Jul 09 2024 19 mins  

Are you struggling to connect? Kelly & Shalece Fiack are back to share how Two-Way Prayer saved their marriage & can strengthen yours!

Get practical tips on:

  • Overcoming resentment & communication roadblocks
  • Deepening emotional connection
  • Creating a daily practice (floors & ceilings!)

Plus, a free Two-Way Prayer guide!

Resources: ⁠https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5f50b318fe914e1b2aa32bfb/t/6037ad90fed0f117c530ca90/1614261648995/how-to-practice.pdf⁠



[email protected] or [email protected]

Let's have a chat to build a happier, resentment-free relationship! ⁠https://calendly.com/believefitness/45⁠