Jan 16 2024 44 mins 1
Join me for this conversation for growing moms with Dr. Julie Franks, a therapist specializing in mom anxiety, stress, overwhelm, and burnout. In this episode, Julie shared about her own experiences living with anxiety through fertility struggles, pregnancy loss, a high-risk pregnancy, and constantly adjusting to the challenges of motherhood!
We talk about:
❀ Living with anxiety - and why anxiety is not always obvious
❀ Julie’s unexpected experiences in pregnancy - including extreme sickness and bed rest - and how she used self-talk and gratitude to help her through
❀ Recognizing grief over missing out on experiences that she’d hoped for, like a babymoon, a maternity photo shoot, and prenatal yoga classes
❀ How motherhood has given her the ability to “rise to the occasion” with calm and confidence
❀ Finding peace - and her voice - through learning to lean into challenges and changes - and letting go of expectations
Join us!
"My life got so much easier when I could really lean into what was working for me and our family."
Dr. Julie Franks is an experienced & licensed mental health therapist for moms, an expert in women's mental health, & a social work educator + researcher. She specializes in mom anxiety, and supports moms online with psychoeducation, resources, and tools that bring relief (and really work!!). Most importantly, she is a mom who is right there with you in experiencing the social pressures/demands of motherhood and the stress it creates. She live on Bainbridge Island, WA with her 2 year old son, husband, and 4 dogs.
❀ BLOG: Do I Have Postpartum Anxiety?
❀ BLOG: Birth Trauma: How to Heal from a Traumatic Birth
❀ BLOG: Returning to Work After Maternity Leave: 3 Ways to Feel Less Overwhelmed
❀ You can learn more about Julie and her resources for anxious moms at www.nurturingthesisterhood.com