Jan 24 2025 54 mins 2
Calming Vagus Nerve Restorative Yoga | YWM 718
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This soothing restorative yoga class is designed to gently support your parasympathetic nervous system, focusing on cultivating a healthy balance of ventral vagus and dorsal vagus activation. By the end of the practice, you'll feel deeply relaxed, meditative, and grounded—a state many describe as feeling truly “zenned out.”
Calming Vagus Nerve Restorative Yoga Sequence
* Vagus Nerve Reset
* Restorative Child’s Pose
* Eye Yoga
* Restorative Locust
* Diaphragmatic Breathing
* Restorative Bridge
* Mudra for Security
Props Needed: Bolster, 2 Blocks, meditation cushion or chair