What is it like to be your Sober Penpal? I also talk about apprentice training, empathy, and how to figure out what works for you.
Links mentioned:
FUW Bracelet silver > https://tiredofdrinking.sellfy.store/p/fuck-you-wolfie-bracelet-silver/
Donations to support these audios and keep them free https://gum.co/DuckPonderings
Music: “Acoustic Blues,” thanks to Jason Shaw, https://bit.ly/2pZvbyu
NEW private, anonymous, group coaching > www.soberchallenge.online
one-on-one coaching > www.soberjumpstart.com
my book > www.100daysoberchallenge.com
free daily emails > https://www.tiredofthinkingaboutdrinking.com
become a podcast subscriber, get all the NEW audios as they are released, including the unedited versions > www.audiosober.com
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