Ep 98: Beyond Calories- 3 key areas to focus on for weight loss

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Mar 08 2024 22 mins  

"Calories is vs calories out. Burn more than you take in. That's how you lose weight." If this is the advice you live by, how is that going for you? It's not your fault that this has likely been ingrained in you from a young age. I often STILL hear this outdated and poor advice being given out. 

Calories are one SMALL piece of the whole picture and definitely not the most important piece. Why they are given so much attention and accolades is beyond me. There are way more crucial things for you to focus on when it comes to your overall health and weight loss if that's your goal. Let's talk about three of the biggest areas to look at in order to bring your body into harmony and balance.

In this episode we talk about:

- Why focusing on calories is missing the boat when it comes to your health.

- 3 things to focus on instead of calories.

- What undereating does to your body and how that impacts weight.


*Don't forget to share this with a friend or family member so they can know what to buy organic!


Mentioned in this episode:

- $50 off March discount on Kickstart Nutrition coaching package- Click HERE- Use coupon code podletter  (only valid through March 2024).

- Spring Produce and Recipe Guide- Click HERE!

- Start Fresh: 30 day kickoff nutrition program click HERE!

- Schedule a free 20 minute consultation HERE

- Website: www.foodfactornutrition.com 


More fun stuff:


- The ULTIMATE Smoothie Guide- CLICK HERE

- Free Lunchbox Generator handout! Click HERE to learn how to add balance to your lunchboxes.

- The Student Athlete Nutrition Guide. Click HERE to purchase.


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