Jan 27 2025 16 mins
There is a mental health crisis in adolescents.. and it’s not getting better anytime soon unless we change something. Our kids are depressed and anxious and not performing their best in school… but what if there was a way to improve all of these things that doesn’t involve medications or therapy but rather exercise? In today’s podcast we will dive in to a recent study that looked at how exercise can affect all these things. And stick around to the end where I give the practical takeaways on what we can actually do to help our children succeed.
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00:00 - Intro
00:39 - The Study
04:27 - Why does motor fitness improve cognition?
06:49 - Better fitness = Better mood?
09:55 - The Screen Time Dilemma
12:05 - Practical Takeaways
15:36 - Outro
Haapala, E. A., Leppänen, M. H., Skog, H., Lubans, D. R., Viitasalo, A., Lintu, N., Jalanko, P., Määttä, S., & Lakka, T. A. (2024). Childhood Physical Fitness as a Predictor of Cognition and Mental Health in Adolescence: The PANIC Study. *Sports Medicine*. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40279-024-02107-z
*Disclaimer* This video is for entertainment, education, and informational purposes only. The topics discussed should not solely be used to diagnose, treat , or prevent any condition. The information presented here was created with an evidence based approach, but you please keep in mind that science is always changing and at the time of listening to this there may some new data that makes this information incomplete or inaccurate. Always seek the advice of your personal physician or qualified health care provider for questions regarding any medical condition.