Feb 11 2025 32 mins
Big Pharma and Big Supplement: Are They Really That Different? Uncover the shocking truths about the supplement industry and how it compares to Big Pharma. Discover the dark side of supplements, from misleading marketing and pseudo-scientific claims to contamination and inconsistent dosing. Finally, learn how to protect yourself and make informed decisions about supplements.
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00:00 - Intro
01:10 - Big Pharma
14:22 - Supplement Industry Background
17:29 - Supplement Industry Dark Side
23:45 - Finances
25:13 - How To Find A Safe Supplement
28:36 - Conclusion
Cohen, P. A., Avula, B., Katragunta, K., Travis, J. C., & Khan, I. (2023). Presence and Quantity of Botanical Ingredients With Purported Performance-Enhancing Properties in Sports Supplements. JAMA Network Open, 6(7), e2323879. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.23879
*Disclaimer* This video is for entertainment, education, and informational purposes only. The topics discussed should not solely be used to diagnose, treat , or prevent any condition. The information presented here was created with an evidence based approach, but you please keep in mind that science is always changing and at the time of listening to this there may some new data that makes this information incomplete or inaccurate. Always seek the advice of your personal physician or qualified health care provider for questions regarding any medical condition.