Jan 15 2025 129 mins 2
lasciatevi trasportare in questa danza, nè macabra, nè allegra, colma di rigogliose, mutevoli forme di caleidoscopico ghirigoro
sonic youth - disconnection notice
anna calvi - miquelon
sonic youth -les anges au piano
kim gordon - it's dark inside
death grips - i want it i need it (death heated)
et sans - les courbes sanglantes entendues de l'organe trop vraíment halluciné
meute - the goose that got away
lying circus- let there be more height (signs of life)
carcaňo - the hunter
giöbia- queen of wand
uncle acid & the deadbeat - solo la morte ti ammanetta
king hannah - so much water so close to drone
king hannah - all being fine
melvins - allergic to food
ty segall & white fence - please don't leave this town
ty segall & white fence - room connector
ty segall & white fence -body behavior
lili refrain - kokyu
dropkick murphys - talking jukebox
the international noise conspiracy - under a communist moon