Jun 14 2024 25 mins
**Mastering eCommerce**:
- Introducing Jessica Coster, an eCommerce and email marketing strategist
- Her background: 20+ years in retail, owning a boutique, and running a seven-figure eCommerce store
- Importance of knowing enough about every aspect of your business to make informed decisions
**The Pillars of Growth**:
- The fundamental importance of understanding your customer
- The dangers of chasing shiny objects in business
- Key lessons from Jessica's journey: delegating effectively and staying involved
**Forging a User-Friendly Experience and SEO Insights**:
- Clear and intentional communication on websites and with search engines
- The story of the ‘survival kit’ and targeted traffic
- Crafting content for early customer engagement and featuring products prominently
**Promoting Your Business Authentically**:
- The power of being authentic and true to yourself
- Attracting the right kind of customers by embracing your unique voice
- Discussing how large brands can't match the personal touch of small businesses
Tweetable Quote:
"Understand enough about everything in your business." - Jessica Coster
"Avoid all the shiny objects in business, focus on customer needs." - Jessica Coster
"SEO is about partnering with search engines to serve the perfect customer." - Jessica Coster