Nov 11 2024 53 mins
In this riveting episode with Juliette Watt, we get detailed about why every one of us needs to become more aware of compassion fatigue. This debilitating syndrome has spread as more and more of us are being asked to care for parents and children while maintaining demanding careers and trying to run a home. Compassion fatigue can be hard to recognize, and it’s imperative we do, because it has a high correlation with both physical illness and suicidal ideation. In this episode you will learn:
Signs you or someone you know may be experiencing compassion fatigue.
The most dangerous point in the timeline of compassion fatigue.
The differences between trauma and grief and how they co-occur with this syndrome.
Steps you can take to reduce compassion fatigue.
Tips for folks who aren’t into meditation.
Juliette Watt has been an ATP airplane pilot and Master Flight Instructor; a Playboy Bunny; a soap opera writer for ABC Television and a theater writer/performer. She has won two Writers Guild Awards and has been nominated for a Daytime Emmy. She also is an animal rights advocate who worked for Best Friends Animal Society for almost a decade. Juliette most recently added TEDx Fargo speaker to her extensive resume. Her current mission is twofold; to help people who are struggling with the debilitating and potentially lethal symptoms of Compassion Fatigue; the emotional and physical burden created by caring for others in distress or neglecting your own life-stress and guiding people to create the true life of their dreams.
Purchase Juliette’s book, In Between the Magic.
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Order The Essential Guide to Trauma Sensitive Yoga: How to Create Safer Spaces for All
Opening and Closing music: Other People's Photographs courtesy of Daniel Zaitchik. Follow Daniel on Spotify.