#1081 Who are Your Best Three Clients?

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Nov 10 2024 1 mins  

If you've been in business for any length of time, what I want you to do is answer a simple question. If you could only work with three clients, who would it be? Go back, look at all of the companies that you've worked with, all the people you've worked with, and pick your top three.

It's not easy because there might be lots of favorites. When you narrow it down and you identify those three customers, because of the projects that you did with them, because of who they were, or how you worked together whether you realize it or not, you've identified your niche. This is your your sweet spot.

Now what you need to do is figure out how did they become clients and how can you get more customers just like them? If you're ready to start narrowing in on your niche, give me a buzz. We can set up an office hour conversation and figure it out together.
