Jan 27 2025 44 mins
Looking to elevate and exceed your organizational goals this year? Invest in your talent and empower your female leaders with Olympic level focus and confidence. We welcome back Mental Toughness and Certified High-Performance Coach Sheryl Kline to speak about her upcoming book, ‘The Fearless Female Leader.’
Sheryl draws on her experiences coaching world-class athletes, Olympians, and female leaders to create a transformative guide for women aspiring to lead with confidence, authenticity, and influence.
Highlights include:
A proven framework built on three pillars: clarity, confidence, and influence.
Actionable strategies such as 90-day goal planning, journaling for clarity, and building of your "confidence muscle" to silence self-doubt and overcome imposter syndrome.
Sheryl also underscores the power of influence, emotional intelligence, strategic-based empathy, authentic communication, and surrounding oneself with an internal board of directors.
The Fearless Female Leader aims to inspire not just women but also allies who believe in authentic, courageous leadership.
Pre-order The Fearless Female Leadership by visiting fearlessfemaleleadershipbook.com and join the movement to empower women to lead unapologetically.
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If you want to master the art of audience engagement while learning how to conquer speaking anxiety, deliver persuasive presentations, and close more deals, this is the program for you. Twins Talk It Up is hosted by identical twin brothers Danny Suk Brown and David Suk Brown, who share leadership communication strategies designed to help professionals embrace the power of their authentic voice.
Together, we’ll explore tips and tools to unlock the full potential of your voice, dominate every stage you step onto, and elevate your influence and value. Along the way, we’ll crush goals and share plenty of laughs.
Book a Free 15-minute discovery call: dsbleadershipgroup.com/schedule-a-call/
Website: appmeetup.com/twinstalkitup/
Community: facebook.com/groups/publicspeakingpoints
Patreon: patreon.com/twinstalkitup