Feb 27 2025 64 mins 5
Andrea Donsky is a menopause expert, nutritionist, menopause educator, and 4X published menopause researcher. She's also the co-founder of WeAreMorphus.com and host of the popular podcast “Menopause Reimagined.” Our podcast has been recognized as the top-ranked menopause podcast worldwide on Feedspot’s 2025 list of best Menopause Podcasts and Perimenopause Podcasts.
In this episode, Andrea chats with Cynthia Thurlow, a nurse practitioner, intermittent fasting expert, and host of the very popular podcast, "Everyday Wellness."
Key Points Covered:
- The evolving understanding of women’s health during perimenopause and menopause
- Why digestive health is important and the benefits of intermittent fasting
- The importance of adapting lifestyle choices as we enter into perimenopause and menopause
- Practical tips for maintaining gut health
- The significance of having a diverse diet that includes many whole foods
- Strategies for effective stress management
- The impact of estrogen on gut health
- Common digestive issues during perimenopause and menopause
- The importance of daily protein and fiber intake
- Tips for managing blood sugar levels
- The role of nutrition and lifestyle in managing menopause symptoms
- Personalized approaches to intermittent fasting for menopausal women
- Strategies for improving sleep quality during perimenopause and menopause
- The importance of self-advocacy in healthcare settings
This episode provides valuable insights for women navigating perimenopause and menopause, offering practical advice for improved health and well-being during these life stages.
Links from the show:
Cynthia's website: https://www.cynthiathurlow.com/
Menopause and Thyroid Health with Danielle Meitiv https://youtu.be/5-I0V9jp2BM
Understanding Menopause: Symptoms, Gaslighting, and Support with Andrea Donsky—Everyday Wellness with Cynthia Thurlow https://apple.co/4hXa0FV
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