14. Valorizing migrant agricultural work and knowledges - Association A4 in France

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Jun 21 2023 38 mins  
A conversation with Association A4 in France, a network of migrants working with farmers and activists to create good work opportunities in peasant and solidarity farming as well as artisan production. A4 stands for Associacion d' Acceuil en Agriculture et Artisanat (association for the hosting of agriculture and crafts activities). As Habib and Alitzel tell us in this episode, they work to build fair conditions for undocumented farmhands, build pathways of access to papers, foster mutual aid and solidarity across people in diverse situations, and valorize the agricultural knowledges that so many migrants bring. Agriculture can learn so much from those who crossed the seas, when it comes to building community, adapting farming to global heating and imagining ways out of the toxic industrial food system we're currently stuck within.


Asso A4 https://a4asso.org/

D'égal à égal: documentary about A4 (English subs coming july 2023) https://vimeo.com/770515263

Ways to support A4: https://www.helloasso.com/associations/a4-association-d-accueil-en-agriculture-et-en-artisanat

English newsletter about launch of A4 https://crabgrass.riseup.net/assets/824420/A4+Newsletter+01+august+2022+eng.pdf

Article about A4 (French) https://www.socialter.fr/produit/hors-serie-numero-15

Common Ecologies' Toolkit of Tactics for Agroecological Transition (course of spring 2023, Pdf and poster forthcoming autumn 2023) http://commonecologies.net/