As we are sliding from crises of social reproduction into crises of planetary ecology, this podcast looks at our collective struggles for existence and care. From agroecology, feminist strikes and climate justice to care commons and movement infrastructures — this fieldcast tunes into ways of building autonomy and interdependence at the same time. We listen in to the life-sustaining backwaters that produce our food, reproduce our bodies and fight to defend our common worlds and singular territories. Those are the real-but-invisible frontlines of our struggles for a desirable world — one that can hold us all and one we can hold dear. A world that allows us to mind our interdependencies and look after one another, as well as to build forms of collective power. In this fieldcast, we learn about world-making from those who care for territories and ecosystems, look after bodies and communities, build movement infrastructures, and blockade, occupy and strike for earth and care.. We listen into tactics and strategies in the struggle against the destruction of social and natural ecologies, and learn about infrastructures and networks that enable movements to learn, care and resist.