In this powerful and heartfelt episode, we dive into Coach Linda’s inspiring journey of breaking free from the grip of insomnia. Sharing her struggles, insights, and ultimate triumph,
Coach Linda reminds us that healing is possible and that you are not broken.
If you're new here and like what you've seen, you'll want to download our FREE 'Off-to-Dreamland' e-booklet.
Simply head over to and click the link at the tippy top. Happy reading!
If you're ready to leave insomnia for good, check out our coaching options. Head over to and click on GET SLEEP in the menu.
The Insomnia Immunity program is perfect if you like learning through video and want to join a group on your journey towards sleeping well. BedTyme is ideal if you like to learn via text and have a sleep coach in your pocket.
The 1:1 Zoom based program is for you if you like to connect one on one with someone who has been where you are now.
Do you like learning by reading? I
f so, here are two books that offer breakthroughs!
Tales of Courage by Daniel Erichsen
Set it & Forget it by Daniel Erichsen
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If so, that’s incredibly nice of you 😊.
And here’s the link to do just that: