Feb 14 2025 28 mins
Hello my beautiful friends,
In today's episode we are going to be talking about the topic of desire and expectation and how the joining of the two creates this ripple effect in your life that has the power to change everything
This will be a really great listen if you feel like you have these big desires in your life and that you’re perfectly clear on what those desires are but you maybe aren’t seeing much movement in your physical world. My hope is that listening to this episode will lead you to more clarity around where your desires may be in discordance with your expectations and what you can do to resolve that
If you have any questions or want deeper clarity on what I've discussed in this or any previous or future episode, my inbox is open for invitations and questions.
If you desire deeper support on these topics, fill out the work with me questionnaire and I will get back to you in the next 2 business days to setup an introduction call
Donations are also always appreciated as I continue developing the podcast
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