Intuition Academy

Mar 10 2025 29 ep. 37 mins 9
Intuition Academy Podcast artwork

Welcome my beautiful friends! I am your host - Kaila Corsiglia ✨ I’ve been on a journey of self-discovery for over ten years. I am a master at experimenting and spent my entire 20’s in a grand experiment, finding what works and what doesn’t work in the realm of self-development, spirituality, law of attraction, manifestation, and other deeper ”woo-woo” topics like channeling, past life regression, subconscious reprogramming, EFT, and so much more. Now, entering my 30’s and after 2 full years within my mentoring business, I feel like I am finally cracking the code. Over the last 4 years, by means of all that I learned through my years of experimenting: - I successfully quit corporate America - I travelled for 6 months full-time along the Pacific Northwest - I moved from Chicago to Washington State where I lived for nearly 2 years - I created an intuitively led business & started mentoring women to be led by their inner being and how to manifest more effectively - I watched in awe as their lives started to change like mine had - As I write this now it is August of 2023 and I am in my villa in Bali, where I have been living for just shy of 1 year - Currently I am expanding my business and writing 2 books that I intend to publish in the next year I made it my life’s mission in my late teens to live an extraordinary life; I carry around a letter I wrote to myself when I was 19 that says just that. 12 years later, I think I’d make that 19 year version of myself very proud. I use this platform to share all of my favorite creation tactics; I consider myself what Abraham Hicks refers to as a ”deliberate creator” and most of my episodes speak on how to become one yourself. I love to simplify techniques that are tried and true, explaining them in ways you may have never heard before, a lot of what I teach is ’manifesting at the expert level” because most of us have been learning this work for so long that we deserve that title. I also love to share my own breakthroughs and areas that I am manifesting within; little tidbits of my story. I’m excited for you to be here and thank you so much for tuning in.