Sep 28 2019 79 mins
Does it work?
If so, how?
In this episode, Dr. Michael Smith takes you on a Deep-Dive into how CBD interacts with your body to decrease inflammatory reactions, reduce stress and embodied tension, regulate your neurotransmitters and stress hormones, improve sleep, and improve your health in general.
If you are new to Fusion Health Radio, check out the Autoimmunity, Trauma, Addiction connection.
If you understand a few of the physiological mechanisms of chronic illness, trauma, and addiction you will appreciate how powerful CBD can be. This episode will focus on how CBD helps with the following aspects of almost all chronic conditions.
- Chronic inflammation
- Stress and hormonal health
- Neurotransmitter Imbalances
After that, I will introduce you to the endocannabinoid system, and how THC, CBD, and terpenes actually interact with your body, brain, and immune system.
Then I will share the main concerns, contraindications, and dosage.
Get ready for a deep dive geek out on why CBD is going to change the way medicine is practiced
I cannot recommend the use of CBD or THC because of licensing standards.