Dec 22 2021 7 mins 3
Jesus’ story is not something that will remain in the dark. Sure, he was born in an out-of-the-way town in a back-alley barn, but his arrival has implications for all the earth. The news is starting to spread--both wide, to the farthest regions, and high to the upper echelons of society. Upon hearing it, there are two basic responses: One: to be hopeful and moved to worship, or Two: to be disturbed and bent on destroying him. Now, everyone—the Magi, King Herod, the leaders in Jerusalem—rightly recognizes what is going on here. A new ruler has arisen. He will be the shepherd—the leader—directing the people in the way they should go. He will hold sway and do whatever God has set out for him to do. To some, that is better news than to others.
Consider today, how do you receive this news?
Listen to “O Little Town of Bethlehem” by Sarah McLachlan to continue your reflection time with a moment of worship. All songs mentioned in the Advent Reflections Podcast can be found on Mountain’s YouTube Channel at or on Spotify by searching for the playlist “MCC Advent.”
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