Advent Reflections Podcast

Nov 17 2024 25 ep. 5 mins
Advent Reflections Podcast artwork

“Advent” means “arrival” or “coming,” and it’s a season of the year that Christians have observed for centuries anticipating the birth of Jesus. But for many, December flies by with a flurry of activities - Leaving you worn out and just glad it’s over at the end of the month. It can be the most stressful time of the year. But what if this season actually brought you closer to Christ? What if you were able to create some space to really feel the longing for Jesus to arrive? What if there was time for reflection and refocusing, so you can experience the gifts that Jesus brings—love, peace, joy, and hope? This blog of daily devotions is offered as one simple tool to help us connect with Christ more deeply in the days leading up to Christmas. It will be centered on the core themes of the Christmas story, publishing reflections Monday through Saturday around the themes of...