Dec 20 2021 7 mins 2
In this Psalm 72, David expresses his longing for a King that will bring God’s ultimate, of a world set right. He’s anxious for a King who will lead God’s people in all of the Lord’s ways. He longs for a ruler that will bring the gospel—or good news—proclamation and also foster moral transformation of all societies. No earthly ruler like this fully exists, of course. But at Christmas we celebrate the one and only King who checks every box on this list. Jesus is the only one who can live up to the hope that Psalm 72 holds out for us.
Listen to “He Has Come For Us (God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen)” by Meredith Andrews to continue your reflection time with a moment of worship. All songs mentioned in the Advent Reflections Podcast can be found on Mountain’s YouTube Channel at or on Spotify by searching for the playlist “MCC Advent.” Mountain is one church with multiple locations. Come and be part of a community of people on the journey to discover more about Jesus. Everyone's welcome. Find out more about in-person and online service times and locations at