Dec 24 2021 7 mins 2
For four weeks, we have travelled in and out of the Christmas story, waiting to see not only the birth of Jesus, but also watching for what God wanted to give birth to in our lives. And now, Christmas is here! What has happened? What has God been saying to you? How has Jesus entered into your life, and what difference does it make?
The story that we rehearse at Christmas isn’t just a tale that we dust off once a year. It’s a story that reshapes us. It’s a story that is meant to be lived. We experience the wonder of Christ coming TO us, and then we’re sent out with Christ living IN us and working THROUGH us, so that everyone we meet can experience the miracle of Christmas, of God coming to dwell with them.
Listen to “All Glory Be to Christ” by King’s Kaleidoscope to continue your reflection time with a moment of worship. All songs mentioned in the Advent Reflections Podcast can be found on Mountain’s YouTube Channel at or on Spotify by searching for the playlist “MCC Advent.”
Mountain is one church with multiple locations. Come and be part of a community of people on the journey to discover more about Jesus. Everyone's welcome. Find out more about in-person and online service times and locations at