Nov 03 2024 54 mins 2
What is gehenna? Is it the same as hell? What is the Age to Come? Is it only something for the far-off future, or is it something for here and now as well What is the second death? Is that the Lake of Fire? What does it mean for a human being to experience the second death? Will all be saved, or only some? Is this something we should be afraid of, and to whom are these warnings directed? Can we really trust that Adonai is merciful and gracious, when all this threat of punishment is hanging over us?
Today, we explore one of the thorniest, most shadowy, and least certain topics we've encountered so far. It is also the source of much of the pain, hurt, and loss of trust that has caused deconstruction. In this episode, I try to take a slow walk (almost double-length!) through the biblical language surrounding final judgment and the Age to Come. My hope is that you are able to hear within these stumbling words a picture of a Father who desires that none should perish, and that all should be brought to repentance.
Was “Gehenna” a Smoldering Garbage Dump? – The Baker Deep End Blog
Hades is Embittered — Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick (