This is a space for anyone whose theological perspective feels in crisis. If you grew up as a ”church kid” who only wanted to please God and others, and then got hit with a paradigm-shattering experience... this is for you. If you find yourself questioning where you fit, what you believe, who God is, whom you can trust, how you even begin to find the answers, and why you should even try... this is for you. Especially if you find that through it all and despite all this, there remains a ”still small voice” that keeps gently tugging back to the center. We’re walking through the entire Scriptures, start to finish, focusing on the larger narrative themes that tie it all together and reveal a God who is in love with his creation and fiercely committed to rescuing his family from the forces of darkness. Join us on the journey of healing and restoration: to walk through suffering together and find resurrection on the other side of deconstruction.