Hello and welcome to STATE OF MIND. I’m Grace Kingswell, I’m a Nutritional Therapist and Lifestyle Medicine Advocate and this is my series all about health, mental wellbeing, state of mind, the environment, creating sustainable practices and finding true connection with yourself, those around you and with nature.
Tyrone Brennand is a personal trainer and creator of Be The Fittest. Tyrone tells us his story of becoming obsessed with martial arts, discovering yoga and how much movement meant to him at a young age and still does. He has a young family and we chat extensively about how hard it can be to strike the right work-life balance and how he felt when his young daughter described him as "Daddy's always working." Ty started off in life in very different circumstances to how he lives now, and this episode is a great reminder of how much hard work it takes to get to where you want to be. We found out what STATE OF MIND means to Ty, but what does it mean to you?